B87 Love Wisdom Rescue (Coral)


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The love that often falls into unrequited love, the third party, the wrong person… can use this to change the magnetic field and attract the right person into life. Help overcome feelings of disappointment and fear that you are not good enough, and ease the shock, especially when it is related to the relationship.

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The love that often falls into unrequited love, the third party, the wrong person… can use this to change the magnetic field and attract the right person into life. Unrequited love. Improve efficiency. Make you see clearly what needs to be done first, ease the feeling of “no one loves me”, bring self-love into life and open up to love from outside. Help overcome feelings of disappointment and fear that you are not good enough, and ease the shock, especially when it is related to the relationship.

ღ Application area: The entire stomach and abdomen, and along the right side of the entire body-from the right earlobe down to the right ankle.


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