B56 – St Germain (Pale Violet/Pale Violet)


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Releasing negativity on all levels.

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Dominant Characteristics: A reformer and inspirational teacher who masters thought processes. Can be a very loving and peaceful person. Situations can be influenced positively through this person’ s presence; often acts as a catalyst. Often possesses a strong intuition and strong psychic ability.

Possible Challenge Aspects: Is caught up in personal thought and behaviour patterns, which is why this person’s life circumstances do not change. Feels internally stressed and may find the material world threatening. A loner who feels homeless, in the literal and figurative sense. Longs to be anywhere else but here. Is trapped in his/ her own world and in the past.

Spiritual Level: Supports the search for higher truth. Frees the user from the difficulties that can arise if he / she is too occupied with the suffering of the world. Establishes a link with deep caring and love of self and inner peace.

Mental Level: May help to interrupt thoughts that move in circles. Can stimulates intuition. Helps release self-denial tendencies and patterns from the past.

Emotional Level: Can clear negative patterns, especially in relation to criticism. Gives clarity with respect to conflicts.

Apply along the hairline.


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